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SmartWiz Travel Tips
With over 100+ years of Travel Experience from our BookingWiz staff we share the most interesting travel tips to help you save time and money.
The grand-daddy of money saving leisure travel
Today, we will look at the grand-daddy of money saving leisure travel, the repositioning cruise!

Repositioning voyages are necessary as cruise lines move their ships from the Alaska summer cruises back down to California or from the Caribbean to the Med as winter in the Bahamas gives way to summer in the Aegean. Be sure you understand that these cruises don't stop for daily shore excursions and may be at sea for the entire voyage. However, most stop once or twice along the way at some very out of the way places.

Perfect for the frugal cruiser, these cruises can be as reasonable as $75 per person per day or even less. The only real drawback is the need for a one way or open jaw flight to get to the cruise or back home.

The lines don't scrimp on the extras for these cruises and you will find the same floor shows and production numbers in the lounges and showrooms.

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