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SmartWiz Travel Tips
With over 100+ years of Travel Experience from our BookingWiz staff we share the most interesting travel tips to help you save time and money.
Traveling to Europe? Consider public transportation
European transportation is great and various types of passes make this more economical than a rental car that when all is said and done can cost in excess of $100 USD per day.

Trains are frequent and schedules are easy to read and understand with just a few cities having strange spellings in their native language. Koln or Koln may confuse if you happen to be in Frankfurt going to Cologne but dual language travel maps are available.

Bus options are also plentiful and less expensive.

If you absolutely have to have a car, stick with the companies you know and check the car thoroughly before you take it. Even the slightest ding can show up as a charge on your credit card when you get home.

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