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SmartWiz Travel Tips
With over 100+ years of Travel Experience from our BookingWiz staff we share the most interesting travel tips to help you save time and money.
Streeeeeetch your cashle
It is no secret that airfare prices are as numerous as seats on the plane, but if you shop wisely, you can come out ahead.

First, look at shoulder and off season fares. Then, remember that even now, a Saturday night stay will usually save you money.

Check fares at least a month out to get a feel for what base line prices are and be especially aware that fare wars tend to start on Thursday and Friday.

Avoid business travel days and days of high fares to unique destinations like Las Vegas where weekend travel is generally higher and Saturday night stays cost more!

Non stop is probably not the cheapest way to go and surprisingly, combing a low cost carrier to a gateway if you are traveling internationally, to a main line carrier, could save even more.

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