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SmartWiz Travel Tips
With over 100+ years of Travel Experience from our BookingWiz staff we share the most interesting travel tips to help you save time and money.
Don’t give up or give in
If you ordered a compact and all they have when you arrive is a full size, don't let them bully you into paying for the upgrade.

You made the reservation in good faith and even though you didn't pre pay. It is still a contract that they must meet because you are there to meet your obligation of the contract.

Insist on no extra charge and if they challenge you on this, remember that there are several other rental counters close by and you can voice your discontent by checking with the others.

Companies want your business and the competition among rental car companies is fierce so you may not get too far from the counter you started out at when they call you back to tell you, "okay".

The secret here is to not give in or give up.

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