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SmartWiz Travel Tips
With over 100+ years of Travel Experience from our BookingWiz staff we share the most interesting travel tips to help you save time and money.
Using your miles to get a coach seatia
What you are about to see, may surprise you.

Cost benefit analysis and timing are the keys to wise use of your miles.

First, avoid trying to get a seat on Monday, Thursday evening, Friday and Sunday evening. These are business travel days and frankly, if you do find a seat three weeks out, you are one lucky individual. Concentrate on mid week flights each way.

If you are truly flexible, wait until the last minute. Airlines often release seats for awards the last few days prior to departure. To test this, go to your airline award booking page and see what the availability is this Wednesday and Thursday.

If you do have to travel at the last minute and that coach seat is over $500, the value of your miles, be sure to check this option.

This is the surprise alluded to above.

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